Okay this is a bit off-topic but in the spirit of my new motherhood I thought I’d share a few of my favorite Disney lullabies with you. These are songs I enjoyed as a kid and my baby daughter seems to like them too:
“La La Lu” from Lady and the Tramp
“Stay Awake” from Mary Poppins
” by Larry Groce from Disney’s Children’s Favorites Vol. 1
And here’s a non-Disney related one that I really like (and only recently discovered on a world lullaby CD called Dreamland that I got for Xmas on year): “Dreamland
” as sung by Teresa Doyle (I’ve seen this called “Hush-a-bye birdie”or “Hush-a-ba burdie” when searching for lyrics on the internet–apparently it’s a traditional Scottish lullaby)
I also like Numi Numi from this same CD, but since it’s in Hebrew, it’s not as easy for me to sing along with. Of course, that doesn’t stop me from trying. :)
And for those rock-and-roll types check out Rockabye Baby! (I found the Bjork samples disappointing, but the Radiohead ones seem pretty good.)
What are some of your favorite lullabies?