No, this isn't a picture of me and my daughter.
Yay! It’s been 4 fun years of Monkey Poop and incredibly eloquent blog posts by yours truly. I had fun compiling my top ten list last year, so I thought I’d do that again!
Here’s a list of Monkey Poop’s Top Ten Most Popular Posts of 2011:
7) The BosKidLit Author Events Master List of Links (which it looks like I haven’t updated in a bit but is mostly accurate)
6) Dan Humphrey’s Top Ten Book List (Although, oops, the website linked in the blogpost doesn’t seem to work anymore and I can’t find this list anywhere else.)
And the # 1 blogpost for year 4 of Monkey Poop was the same as last year (this blog post still won by a landslide):
(image from Flickr, by Patries71)